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BankNewport and Preservation Society of Newport County Wrap Successful “Nature Connects” LEGO Sculpture Exhibition at Green Animals Topiary Garden


NEWPORT, R.I.  (September 18, 2023) – BankNewport President & CEO Jack Murphy and Preservation Society of Newport County CEO & Executive Director Trudy Coxe recently experienced an immersive tour of the spectacular “Nature Connects” LEGO sculpture exhibition by renowned artist Sean Kenney at the picturesque Green Animals Topiary Garden in Portsmouth. BankNewport was one of ten local sponsors for the exhibition, which served as the only place in the Northeast to see these elaborate animals constructed with LEGO bricks. As part of its sponsorship, BankNewport treated visitors to a “Free Day” on September 9th.

Sean Kenney, celebrated as one of the world’s foremost LEGO designers, employs the ubiquitous toy bricks to create awe-inspiring sculptures that bridge the gap between art and play. His “Nature Connects” installations have graced gardens, zoos, and science centers worldwide for more than a decade, captivating audiences of all ages. These intricate creations are designed to inspire contemplation of humanity’s place within the natural ecosystem and prompt reflection on everyday actions that can contribute to the preservation of animal habitats. Kenney’s masterful use of LEGO bricks serves as a metaphor for the delicate interconnectedness found in the natural world.

“As a proud sponsor of the ‘Nature Connects’ exhibition, I had the great privilege of experiencing the incredible artistry of Sean Kenney’s LEGO sculptures at the Green Animals Topiary Garden,” said Jack Murphy, President & CEO, BankNewport. “The exhibition beautifully underscored our commitment at BankNewport to support initiatives that foster community engagement and environmental consciousness.”

This exhibition, a rare treat for LEGO enthusiasts and nature lovers alike, was a must-visit attraction for both local residents and tourists throughout the summer season. The exhibition concluded its run at the Green Animals Topiary Garden on Sunday, September 10th.