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BankNewport Celebrates Support for Save The Bay’s New Hamilton Family Aquarium


NEWPORT, R.I. (April 25, 2024) – BankNewport representatives recently enjoyed visiting Save The Bay’s new Hamilton Family Aquarium, a modern beacon of marine education and conservation in Newport, Rhode Island. Through its charitable efforts, BankNewport awarded a grant for the Kids’ Zone within the aquarium, an area designed to ignite the curiosity of young visitors about Narragansett Bay’s marine life and the importance of environmental stewardship.

The Save The Bay Hamilton Family Aquarium, located at 23 America’s Cup Avenue in Newport, promises to enhance the educational landscape of Rhode Island by offering immersive experiences and learning opportunities about the local marine ecosystem.

“We’re thrilled to have BankNewport’s generous support for the Kids’ Zone at Save The Bay’s Hamilton Family Aquarium, which will educate and inspire generations of stewards for Narragansett Bay,” stated Topher Hamblett, Executive Director of Save The Bay.

“BankNewport is deeply committed to supporting initiatives that enrich our community and promote sustainability,” said Jack Murphy, President and CEO of BankNewport. “We’re proud of our long partnership with Save The Bay, and excited by the educational and personal connections the Aquarium will offer to kids and families, fostering a sense of wonder and responsibility towards the health of our beautiful natural resource, Narragansett Bay.”

The Aquarium opened its doors to the public on March 28, 2024 and welcomes visitors to explore the mysteries of the deep and learn about the vital conservation work being undertaken to preserve Narragansett Bay. The Aquarium’s diverse exhibits and interactive experiences are designed to educate visitors of all ages about the marine environment and inspire them to take action in protecting our planet’s precious aquatic resources.

For more information about Save The Bay’s Hamilton Family Aquarium and to plan your visit, visit: https://SaveBay.org/Aquarium/.


Photos Caption (from left-to-right):
Farrar & Associates, James Farrar

BankNewport Chairman of the Board, Peter Capodilupo

BankNewport President & CEO Jack Murphy

Save The Bay Executive Director, Topher Hamblett

BankNewport Charitable Foundation Chair, James Wright

About Save The Bay:
Save The Bay is an independent, member-supported, nonprofit organization. We got our start as a grassroots organization in 1970, when a small group of concerned citizens came together to fight an oil refinery proposed for the shores of Tiverton. Their work began our legacy as the eyes, ears, and voice for Narragansett Bay. Today we carry out our mission through three areas of work: advocacy, education, and habitat restoration and adaptation. For more information, please visit: https://savebay.org/about-us/.