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COCC Goes Live with Real-Time Payments


SOUTHINGTON, CONN.—Earlier this month, COCC officially went live on the RTP® network, the real-time payments network from The Clearing House. BankNewport, headquartered in Newport, RI, is COCC’s first client live on the RTP network. With this access, BankNewport customers can receive payments and messages instantly via the RTP network.

“We are excited to gain our clients access to the RTP network,” said Richard Leone, Chief Executive Officer at COCC. “This allows us to position our clients to act on the emerging payments technology that lies ahead.”

“We are appreciative to COCC and The Clearing House for the opportunity to introduce our customers to the benefits of real-time payments,” said John Sullivan, Executive Vice President, Director of Digital & Technology Strategy at BankNewport. “We are confident this partnership will provide us with a solid foundation in the dynamic landscape of payments.”

The Clearing House’s RTP network is the first new payment infrastructure in nearly 40 years. By implementing now, COCC clients will immediately have access to receive payments through the network, receiving funds from sending institutions instantaneously 24/7/365. They will also be poised to take advantage of future applications and payment capabilities on the RTP network.


COCC is an award-winning client-owned financial technology company servicing financial institutions throughout the Northeastern United States. Launched in 1967, COCC was founded by its clients. This unique cooperative structure has set COCC apart from the competition and is one of the driving forces behind their success. COCC is the fastest growing financial data processing company in the United States and recognized as a leader in delivering innovation and the quality service financial institutions demand and deserve.